Monday, September 28, 2015

I will rise again....

I am reading a book by Joel Osteen, called "Break Out".  I've had it for 2 years now, given to me by my uncle.  It's taken me this long to finally read, understand, and apply the principles of the book.  I need it now more than anything.  What a gift that my family members are always there for me.  I love them for it.

I know I shouldn't do it, but looking back 35 years now, since I started working; I have been touched by depression that has been crippling at times.  I've gotten help in the past: therapy, group therapy, medications, but nothing has worked.  I continue to have this issue.  What I have learned in the past couple of weeks is that I am loved.  My family members are my heroes.  I need them now more than ever; but I really need to get back to my God.

God is love, hope, restoration, and happiness.  He is it.  I was created out of love and I need to remember now much I am loved by God and my family.  I also have to start respecting myself and all that I have accomplished.

I need to stop:

*  Dwelling on my past: failures, job losses, hurting other people, being hurt by others.
*  Spending beyond my means, keep it real.
*  Thinking of hurting myself and becoming a nothing.
*  Stop listening the devil's lies about me.
*  Feeling sorry for myself.

I need to start:

*  Seeking God in all that I do.
*  Seeking guidance.
*  Seeing my own self-worth.
*  Remembering that I am loved.
*  That this is not the end, God will bring me through.  I can rise and take my place in this world.
*  Get over it.
*  I will find a meaningful place in this world.

I am the head and not the tail.  I will lend and not borrow.  I will not be defeated, God is with me.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. You are LOVED. You are WORTHY. You are VALUABLE. You hold a light that no one else has. A perspective on life that is uniquely yours and can truly help others as well. Your pull to serve others is an indicator of that very thing. Please know that you are loved dearly and valued by so many! You are the sister I wished for...and I am so grateful to have you in my life!
